Fairtrade has improved the lives of millions of people in developing countries. But we need to keep promoting Fairtrade to ensure people know that buying Fairtrade products can make a positive difference.
Fairtrade Certified
We are proud to have received a Fairtrade Foundation certificate and thereby agree to:
- Use Fairtrade tea and coffee for all meetings for which we have responsibility
- Move forward on using other Fairtrade products (such as sugar, biscuits and fruit)
- Promote Fairtrade during Fairtrade Fortnight - and through other activities whenever possible
Coffee Mornings
We hold 3 Fairtrade coffee mornings each year, both to promote the variety of Fairly Traded products available (food, cards, fabrics & gifts), and because it's fun to meet up over a (Fairtrade) coffee!
Come along.... bring a friend... or two!
For more information, take a look at the Fairtrade Website.