
Communion CrossEarly Communion 8:00am

This is a reflective service which takes place once a month (usually 2nd Sunday).

If you like an early start, with less of a focus on singing, this could be just what you're looking for!

Worship CrossMorning Worship 10:30am

This is our main Sunday worship service.

Worship, teaching and fellowship with a crèche and separate groups for children and young people (0-18yrs). These services are livestreamed on our YouTube Channel and refreshments are served at the church after the service.

Once a month (usually 1st Sunday) our morning worship is All Together when the children, young people and adults are, as the name suggests, all together.

Every 3rd Sunday we have two separate worship streams: the ‘normal’ worship service in the main church hall and an additional stream which is more accessible for those who are not so used to church services.

Communion is usually shared on 4th Sundays.


Evening Worship 6:00pm

We meet online via Zoom for an intimate time of sharing, teaching and prayer, apart from the 1st Sunday, when meet at church for Communion.

Please contact Phil for more information.

Coffee Cup


Please join us for Fairtrade tea and coffee after the morning service.

It's a good opportunity to get to know each other. And if it's your first time with us, please do introduce yourself to... well... anyone who looks friendly!

Communion Sacrifice


Just before Jesus gave himself for us on the cross, he shared a meal with his friends, and used the bread & wine as symbols of what he was about to do.

He told them (and us) to keep doing this, to make sure we remember what he did for us.

Communion is open to all who accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.