Norburys July 2023Fraser and Tracy

Mission Aviation Fellowship

Papua New Guinea

Fraser and Tracy Norbury are living in the highlands in Papua New Guinea.

Fraser is head of the finance department for MAF in PNG and Tracy also works in the MAF office. They have two children, Oliver and Rosie, who attend a local school and have some home learning.

You can find out more about Fraser and Tracy's work from their YouTube Channel or their Facebook page.

Click here for their latest newsletter

News Received from Fraser and Tracy following the landslides in May 2024...

Thank you to all of you who have been in touch about the landslide that happened in Enga Province last weekend. We're safe and sound but saddened - not only by this news story but also by the many other disastrous effects of PNG’s current prolonged rainy season.

At times like this, we are even more glad to be part of efforts to support remote communities here in PNG. Thank you for all you've done to get us here in the first place (including biscuits, friendship, prayer, finance and ace logistical/packing skills) and the ways that you sustain us as staff with MAF. There is nowhere else we'd rather be and we thank you for cheering us on.

Current points for prayer and praise: